I would like to raise the question as to which comes first -
the craving or the lowering of mood?
When checking out the main remedies in the rubric ' 'sweets, desires', they are each reputed for their dark moods, all with different manifestations, of course. They include:-
Argentum Nitricum,
Arsenicum Album,
Cina Maritima,
China Officianalis,
China Sulphuricum,
Kali Sulphuricum,
Lycopodium Clavatum,
Saccharum Officinale,
A vicious cycle ensues as dopamine, the very neurotransmitter the sufferer is unconsciously seeking to access through this habit of reliance on sugar, becomes further depleted. The remedy, Medorrhinum, reflects this type of constant seeking - partly for enjoyment, but also for the habitual effect of addiction. It is said that sugar is more addictive than cocaine and, at the same time, sugar can create similar enduring alterations to brain chemistry if the latter is continually being eroded in this way.

If this pattern of behaviour continues, it can slip into deeper addictions such as alcohol, recreational drugs, self-harm, or suicidal feelings, as examples. Many of the remedies mentioned above or their related analogues cover these eventualities, so it is a 'slippery slope' once this cycle commences.
When looking at the picture of the remedy, Saccharum Officianale, which is actually derived from sugar itself, one can see a contradictory attitude to this substance in our society. It is known to be harmful but, conversely, it is used as a reward both to ourselves and others, often as a substitute for love. This replacement for love can date back to the bonding experience, which is often sadly lacking in society nowadays. If sweets have been substituted for true affection, the child grows up with this association embedded in their psyche.
When contemplating the history of the slavery associated with the sugar plantations in the Caribbean, it is no surprise that this substance holds this type of grip on the addict.
This concept fits in with the 'doctrine of signatures' whereby the method of growth of the plant indicates the nature of its sphere of action (i.e. its pathogenesis).
Obesity has become an epidemic issue throughout the world. Many factors play a role but, when it comes to the question of sugar consumption, this could be a leading cause. As a heavy toxin, sugar affects the microbiome - the living ecology system of the body - and creates an impasse in the two-way messages between the brain and the gut, thus intensifying the urge for the organism to continually over-compensate in this way. This compounds an already compromised metabolism. Hence the startling rise in cases of diabetes, not only among the older generation, but also the younger one.
It is in the gut that the greatest amount of serotonin is produced. This is responsible for maintaining a good mood and has an affinity with dopamine, a related neurotransmitter. If sugar dominates the diet of the sufferer, then it is very possible this depletes supplies of serotonin, which can no longer be transmitted in sufficient quantities through the vagus nerve to the brain. This influence acts as a 'maintaining cause' and the sufferer sinks deeper and deeper into depression. This pushes them into the syphilitic miasm which means they cannot escape the effects of the depression from which they suffer, let alone the crippling effect of the addiction which drives the disease.
So, with constitutional treatment, the individual can address their negative cravings, thus balancing out the miasm, which can trigger their destructive patterns of behaviour manifesting in this way.
By admitting there is a problem, then the sufferer will then present for treatment but, because society normalises such addictions as the one for sugar and wraps it up in very dainty and tempting packages, then the sufferer will rarely acknowledge this. A societal shift needs to occur before sugar is recognized for its toxic effects on both behaviour as well as general health on all levels of the organism.
Adalian Elizabeth (2017), Touching base with trauma: Reaching across the generations – a three dimensional perspective, Writerworld.
Bartlett Selena, (April 7, 2016), Treating sugar addiction like drug abuse: Queensland University of Technology leads world-first study.
Murphy Robin (2005), Homeopathic Clinical Repertory, Lotus Health Institute